Increasing connectivity poses major challenges for the operational security of decentralized power generation plants, especially in critical infrastructures (CRITIS). Previously isolated areas must be secured against cyber attack possibilities and secure environments for Industry 4.0 products and control systems must be created in accordance with the EU Cyber Security Act.
The complexity in the area of IT security is also constantly increasing due to the digitization of industrial control systems, rapidly growing technology for Industry 4.0, and increasing interconnectivity between industrial data networks (OT) and enterprise data networks (IT).
KUHSE Energy Group – Your Cyber Security Partner
This is where the software solutions of Kuhse Secure Systems for critical infrastructures in the energy market come in. As a specialist for KRITIS-compliant controls and systems for power plants and emergency power applications, we offer our customers Cyber Security Packages based on the international standard IEC 62443 for emergency power, prime power and hybrid power/microgrid applications. For existing plants we provide a Cyber Security Check. Depending on your needs we support you as
in selection of compliant cyber security components for your control systems
on subsystem level for the electrical equipment of your power plant
for compliant plant operation
Maintenance partner
for your control systems
Systems (cyber secure acc. to IEC 62443)
Control Systems / Control Panels for Prime Power Applications
Control Systems / Control Panels for Emergency Power Systems
Control Systems / Control Panels for Hybrid Power Applications
Secure Commissioning & Maintenance of the System
Training of the Operator and Maintenance Personnel
Review of effectiveness and up-to-dateness of Cyber Security Measures
Performing of Security Updates
Remote Support at Cyber Attacks
Cyber Security Awareness Training considering relevant Standards
Evaluation of needed technical Measures and Processes
Determination of suitable technical Measures and Processes
Process manual for Integration, Operation, Maintenance
The basis for a CRITIS-compliant environment of control systems is provided by a global set of rules that regulates international cyber security requirements and defines a uniform certification framework for manufacturers, integrators and operators.
EU Cyber Security Act:
Establishment of a secure, cyber security-compliant environment (for manufacturers, integrators and asset owners / operators) concerning Industry 4.0 products and systems
International Norm IEC 62443:
International series of standards for cyber security of industrial control systems, set of rules and guidelines for mandatory security in (OT) environments.
IT Security Act 2.0:
Act to increase the security of IT Systems to protect the Federal Administration, Critical Infrastructures and Companies of Public Interest
The IEC 62443 international standard serves as an essential guide for manufacturers, integrators and operators in secure product development, integration and selection. The scope for cyber security of control systems includes network-enabled devices, industrial sectors and critical infrastructure.
Your advantages at a glance:
Wide range of applications for cyber security of industrial control systems in decentralized power generation systems covering critical infrastructures, facilities of public interest and many industrial areas
Standardized cyber security of control systems and system solutions on an international level based on proven and new IT security concepts such as "Defense in Depth" and "Zones & Conduits"
Certification as a key argument for customers and as an answer to the question of how to ensure the secure introduction of Industry 4.0
Scalability of cyber security with regard to the requirements and priorities of the control system as well as with regard to the necessary measures resulting from risk management